jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

sensor networks

Where are our bodies ourselves?
Or our biosensors aren't networks?

La Web

Resultados 1 - 10 de aproximadamente 6.180.000 de sensor networks. (0,19 segundos)

Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Wireless sensor network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Sensor_Networks - 90k - En caché - Páginas similares
  2. Sensor Networks

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    An Energy-Efficient Mac protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks .... Building Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks with Low-Level Naming ...
    www.research.rutgers.edu/~mini/sensornetworks.html - 83k - En caché - Páginas similares
  3. CMPSCI 791 Sensor Networks

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Sensor networks are a sensing, computing and communication infrastructure that allows us to instrument, observe, and respond to phenomena in the natural ...
    www-net.cs.umass.edu/cs791_sensornets/ - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares
  4. Redes de sensores sin cable

    Wireless Sensor Networks. La creación de redes compuestas de miles o millones de ... Ficha: Las investigaciones más punteras en WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS ...
    www.euroresidentes.com/futuro/redes_sensores.htm - 12k - En caché - Páginas similares
  5. Sensor Networks

    Grupo de Aplicaciones de Procesado de Señales - El GAPS es un grupo de investigación que forma parte del Departamento SSR (Señales, ...
    www.gaps.ssr.upm.es/en/research/sensor-networks - 12k - En caché - Páginas similares
  6. Blog IE » Cognitive Sensor Networks and Applications

    13 Ago 2008 ... This talk will focus on new research and market opportunities for cognitive wireless sensor networks that integrate cognitive science with ...
    blogie.cinvestav.mx/?p=37 - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares

    biblioteca.universia.net/ficha.do?id=1487903 - 32k - En caché - Páginas similares
  8. [PDF]

    Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
    The study of wireless sensor networks is challenging in that it requires an ... and be able to implement sensor networks, however, several basic primary ...
    arri.uta.edu/acs/networks/WirelessSensorNetChap04.pdf - Páginas similares
    de FL LEWIS - 2005 - Citado por 83 - Artículos relacionados
  9. Archana's Home Page - Sensor Networks Links

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    Survey on Sensor Networks Praveen Rentala, Ravi Musunnuri, Shashidhar Gandham, Udit Saxena, University of Texas at Dallas. ...
    wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~bharathi/sensor/snw.html - 33k - En caché - Páginas similares
  10. Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Smart Sensor Networks

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    4 Jun 2008 ... A wireless ad hoc sensor network consists of a number of sensors spread across a geographical area. Each sensor has wireless communication ...
    www.antd.nist.gov/wahn_ssn.shtml - 12k - En caché - Páginas similares
Búsquedas relacionadas con: sensor networks
wireless ad hoc sensor networktinyos sensor networkwireless sensor networksdata aggregation sensor networks
smart dust sensorsensor network protocolssensor network middlewarea survey on sensor networks

"The Global Scientific Affair"

"The Global Scientific Affair"
From Global Education to Global, Global Science

Global Education, according to David Selby and others, work in a world of four dimensions:
1) Espace, 2) Time, 3) Subjects and 4) Observer.

For us, then a mesospecialist biologist, was a true conceptual revolution to find the observer, the subjective dimension included. As you know, scientific language try to be objective, in spite of its ineludible subjective realities.

But not less was the conceptual revolution of including the diversity (of subjects) in one dimension.

Specialist scientists work mainly in several interrelated subjects. Apart from that, a enormous field of diversity (of subjects) extend "outdoors" that are, for specialist, a "world apart", a unknown and big semantic territory; and very improbable to be known from his/her "stenoic" point of view.

Now we may say that to discover Selby's Global Education with its four-dimension semantic space was an internal (observer' dimension) revolution. In this moment, about 15 years later, we must accept that we didn't were aware of that process revolution. Anyway we got abduced by Selby's model, because its great synthetic power. We knew Selby Global Education through a dynamic workshop organised by EDUMA, aplying open and cooperative learning methods; very distant, in general, from "encapsulated" and static activities in university hierarchical classrooms.

For the sake of our discourse, we are reducing "the irreducible" Selby's four-dimension semantic space to three dimensions. We sume (space+time) in one dimension. In this way, each moment in our lives, we are 1) observer/s, in 2) one space-time, and 3) a diversity (of subjects).

There are many new scientific theories that are generally unknown in the classrooms. The term "Global Science" has been applied almost exclusively to System Earth Science.

System Earth Science is a new discipline that try to make a convergence from the many sciences whose cooperation among them results as vital as our own survival. System Earth Science try to reconnect a "loosy" and heterogeneous knowledge landscape resulting from the "mania" to divide and separate knowledge in more and more specialties.

Of course the march of all this "army" of specialists, as modern "conquerors", has been absolutely with success!! We think that we have enough science to live without main problems the next several centuries! We have so much good, and integrative! (or inclusive) science nowdays...

But why we thought (think) that we had (or have) problems? Science, according to Comte, in the beginning of nineteen century, is the "motor of progress". Progress would be the "continuous increase in quality of life".

But if we look at society today, we see many problems in many places. Of course mass media tend to be far from objective observers. How much new scientific theories have merited a significant space in mass media?

We said that many of these new scientific theories are "inclusive", in spite of being developped in small "tribal semantic territories". That means which that theories when transmitted openly to society give place to a multiplicative effect.

This multiplicative effect comes from the fact that being "integrative", or "inclusive", that new scientific theories are going to be easily transmitted to many other fields of knowledge. And, in this way, they are going to be known and neuro-semantically integrated in society life and consciousness.

One key to understand actual "global scientific affair" is the paradox that all these new and science, in spite of being discovered and transmitted through scientific channels, colonising in different degrees different fields of scientific knowledge, keep very far a general colonisation, or "critical-mass" enough to render their societal and knowledge consequences.

The Global Scientific Affair may be summarised with a term: INEFFICIENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

doce centimos de euro

Lenguaje dirigido a estudiantes y profalumni de organizacion y gestación de proyectos de la umma.-

asias Zadeh!, Margulynn, Younggggsh!, Kosko (que no se cozca), movto bogui, fedezara, LOBO(ummmh)Lock, oreducse, croocco, ovamoh! Ovamash!, abdelkrim/aljatabi kbr., Moon, estudiantes/as, profalumni, hentes, pueblos, aldeas, comunidades, rocasvivas, rios, balles, sierras, etc....



Por lo pronto un enlace pa que veaís el formato de "producción cuasifinal" en la redacción de un artítulo.

(Artículo es un artículo cuyo mejor resumen cabe en cuatro palabras que así se convierten en el mejor título: aquel que resumen las conclusiones.)

lamagiadewarrypokerTEGUSTAgmail.com es la Dirección seleccionada para esta ocasión (hay creemos que mas de mil en total, o cientos, mushos, entre wikis, gmails, blogs...etc...de territorio más o menos definible y de cierto grado de compacidad y capacidad de definicion y por tanto de clasificación.)

En adresa de contacte hemos puesto: Los Ñabosde lMatkeiiing.

esa declamación únika en su género, porque entre otras cosas no hay forma de identificar dos segundos contiguos de vida, dado el enorme caudal de sensaciones en numero y diversidad de todo genero, que percibimos y transcrimibos en cada segundo.

Es una derivada de "x" orden de la variable semantica, etiquetada actualmente desde la formalidad del lenguaje formal, como baños del carmen.

recuerda aa marketing, lo cual no es mala cosa a la hora de buscarnos las habas, u lo que sea paecharnos a la boca.

Pero quien engaña a quien?

lamagiade gearrypoker esta diseñada para mentes nativas digitales de 8x años....

entiendase ese ocho como las infinitas maneras de imaginarnos que tenemos ocho o un multiplo de ocho...


imaginemos que somos Jane Selby, un caso semi real de, en muy pocas palabras explicarnos, eh! implicarnos en lo que es vivir y aprender yaprender yvivir en un mundo diverdimensional

Imaginaros que ese serebrito tan abierto va y formaliza los caminos para movernos entre las distintas dimensiones siendo conscientes en cada momento de las dimensiones de la realidad que estamos manejando porque de ello somos en ese mismo momento, pues conscientes...

Sí, y encima más peligroso aún..- en un artículo ¡Educativo!

los cuatros mundo del chaman es primohermano de lo que decimos

y échele usté poncima un poquillo aún de más chile, que pa ezo usté está en mexico o donde sea que todo er mundo coma chile cada día...

echele uste un poquito de logica borrosa, pampezar (por cierto cocinar y comer es logica mas borrosa en accion imposible

añada pepinillos de abducción previamente amargados y redu-abducidos con bbinager...